Tuesday, November 07, 2006


The trip to Canada was a success. In a weeks worth of hunting, we shot our limits every day and ended up bagging pintails, mallards, gadwalls, widgeon, blue wing teal, green wing teal, buffleheads, blackheads, redheads, canvasbacks, mergansers, canada geese, and snow geese. The intensity of the hunting surpassed any I've done in the past. Everyday involved hunting a spot we scouted the day before, often driving for hours before finding birds, then locating the landowner, and then obtaining permission. Naps were a luxury and rare with the schedule we kept scouting for spots. However, all the work paid off, and we killed many birds.

Finny exploring his aboriginal roots:
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After First Hunt. This was at a pond, killed lots of gadwalls, a few mallards, and blue winged teal:
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Also from first day, wish I had the camera in color, but this was a beauty of a blue winged teal:
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This is Jeremy and I after shooting a Ducks Unlimited project:
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About the third day in, we experienced layout field hunting for ducks. Though common in Maryland for geese, it is far less common for ducks. In Canada, we found this to be the most effective type of hunting. This was basically a mallard only game, with a few pintails in the mix. The first picture of the two is a typical flock of mallards over the decoys.
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This is the bag shot after a good field hunt:
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Can't wait to get back next year!


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