Friday, November 17, 2006

Storm Surge

Last evening, a nasty storm hit the Chesapeake Bay. Wind gusts to 40 miles per hour, heavy rain, tornado warnings, and a strong storm surge. Excellent duck hunting weather. Jeremy Mercer and I hunted Hoopers Island. I did not take my camera on the hunt because of the rain, but the shooting proved excellent. In 2 hours we limited out on pintails, black ducks, and mallards, and also killed 3 geese. I did take some pictures of the storm however.

Waves crashing over the road at the causeway. This picture does not do the power of this scene justice. At times, my truck was covered by water as the surge broke over the causeway. I drive a large pickup, and the waves shook it like I was driving a cardboard box.
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We had to take a boat in this weather to get to the blinds. Rough ride.

Even today, water from the storm surge still flooded my neighbor's yard.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


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