Monday, December 11, 2006

Layout Hunt, boat problems

Dec. 9: Did another layout hunt out of Hoopers Island. Jeremy and Tyler Mercer, Shannon Brockmeyer and I set up our rig about half a mile off of Barren Island, a small island just off the Northwest corner of Hoopers Island. On the way out, and throughout the hunt, we dealt with serious boat problems. The engine would not draw gas, and all morning long caused the rpms to continualy lower. With water temperatures in the mid 30s, boat problems are unwanted, and dangerous. Regardless, we continued hunting, and ended up with 17 birds, 4 Old Squaws and 13 scoters.
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A hawk tried to make lunch out of our ducks, here he eyeballs the feast:
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Brent and Greg Prossner, and Andy Hughes headed down to Applegarth and went hunting for deer. Their main targets were sika deer, a small statured import from Japan that is a close cousin to elk. They also had boat problems, and on the way back to the club had to walk their boat back 2 miles before we saw them and towed them in. They did kill a sika though.

Jeremy tows the Prossners:
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Greg, and the guy who ate Brent, show off their Sika:
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