Monday, October 08, 2007


I passed another milestone in my fishing career. I caught a red drum, on fly, in the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay. Catching this fish ranks high in my angling accomplishments. Catching a red, on fly, in MD is like hitting a grand slam.

I was with Jeremy, and we fished the rip at the barge at Holland's Island. Here is the spot:
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We anchored in the current, and I caught him using a white gonzo fly fished on the bottom using a heavy sinking line:
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Here's a closeup:
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He may be small, but its a big first.

We fished several other spots, and caught rockfish and some blues. Here are some random pictures from the rest of the day....

Rippons Harbor, it was super calm:
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Terns on a pound net:
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Hoopersville in gold:
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Big sunset:
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These are some turkeys I saw the other day, its a mother with some poults:
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Monday, October 01, 2007

Big Blues

Headed back to Hoopers yesterday for a little fishing. Day was dead calm, no wind at all:
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We were hoping to find breaking fish, but never did. My guess is that the breakers were scared, some big blues have moved into the area:
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These fish are so big they are eating other predators. I found this fish because it was attacking a rockfish on the surface. I casted a deciever type fly to him and he took, awesome fight. Fish weighed in at about 6.5 lbs.

This is the other part of my catch for the day:
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Fly caught seagull, he was pissed, and got me back by leaving a little gift on my just cleaned boat.